Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Woman ‘Exhausted’ From Defending Obama Will Have Time to Rest

The Obama supporter who in September told President Obama she was exhausted from defending him, frazzled from safeguarding the Hope, fatigued from fighting for the Change and who was “deeply disappointed where we are right now,” will have a lot more time with which to recover from the burnout — she lost her job:

Velma Hart, the chief financial officer for Am Vets, a veteran services organization based in Maryland, said Monday in an interview with CNBC that she was laid off as part of the nonprofit’s effort to cut expenses.

“I want to focus on the positive and be optimistic,” said Hart, who lives in Upper Marlboro, Md. “And assume that somehow things will work out, that there’s an opportunity out there with Velma’s name on it that’s right around the corner.”

Bitter? Angry? Feeling misled? Not really:

Hart told CNBC that she still supports Obama and noted that the economy is improving, though she finds the prospect of unemployment “scary.”

She lives in Upper Marlboro, home to Barack Obama Elementary School, so maybe there’s work for her there (Upper Marlboro, which is in Maryland, isn’t to be confused with “Lower Marlboro,” which is what the president calls the bottom dresser drawer where he hides his smokes).

Hart should form a support group with Amanda VanNess, whose teaching job was personally saved by President Obama as a symbol of the “jobs bill” until she was let go. Together they’ll now have plenty of time to plan how to get out the vote for Obama in 2012. There’s always hope that the next jobs bill will contain funding for “full-time Obama defender” positions.

Doug Powers - michellemalkin.com