Wednesday, August 11, 2010

“Edujobs” money going to states that don’t need it

As I said this morning: It’s not about the children. It’s about political self-preservation.

Chris Moody at The Daily Caller follows the “EduJobs”/BigGovJobs money and discovers that, lo and behold, the $26 billion bailout will help states that don’t need the dough:

The federal government estimates that the bill will save 161,000 teaching jobs, but North Dakota, Tennessee, Arkansas, Alaska and a handful of other states have kept their educational pay rolls full despite the recession, which has drastically lowered government revenues around the country. Since the new bill provides funds based on state population and the number of children in school, these states will receive funds even if their budgets are in the black. This has some employees at state education departments wondering exactly how they will spend all the fresh cash.

Arkansas, for example, has a fully funded teaching staff for the coming year, but the state will still receive up to $91 million for teaching jobs…

…children in each class based upon those numbers. Although the teaching jobs are filled, the state will still receive $24 million under the bill, and a state official asserted that it probably would not go to adding new teachers.

According to an Education Department official, unneeded teacher funding may go to help pay for “on-campus therapists.”

No word on whether they’ll be spending the extra cash on Viagra, too.