Friday, February 18, 2011

Breaking: State-Run Media Ran Interference for Obama By Spiking Logan Assault Story

The state-run media ran interference for President Obama by spiking the Lara Logan Tahrir Square assault story. They knew it would damage Obama who helped push American ally Hosni Mubarak from office.
Jewish World Review reported:

A funny thing happened on the way to the glorious democracy ostensibly emerging in Egypt. CBS reporter Lara Logan, “covering the jubilation” as CBS put it, was surrounded by a mob of men screaming, “Jew, Jew!” who beat and sexually assaulted her. She is currently recovering in a U.S. hospital from injuries described as “serious.” Despite the fact that the incident occurred last Friday, CBS sat on the story until it became apparent that other members of the media had gotten wind of it. Why? The bet here is that this incident interferes with the mainstream media-established narrative regarding the true nature of some “freedom-loving” Egyptians. People yearning for democracy aren’t supposed to be anti-Semitic thugs or sexual predators as well. Thus, a genuine news item became an “un-story.”

…What is really going on in the Middle East? Upheaval–of a largely undefined nature. Where is it leading? Despite mountains of “expert” analysis, one really knows, not even the participants themselves. The American news media? A pack of Walter Durantys with narratives as tailored as those the NY Times Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter spun about the great “democratic reformer” known as Josef Stalin. A group of narrators as practiced in the art of taqiyya, which is defined as lying to protect Islam, as the Islamists themselves…

…And not just Islamists. In my entire career as a columnist, I can’t recall a time when so many members of the Fourth Estate were so willing to run interference for a president and his administration. Can anyone remotely imagine CBS spiking the same story if George W. Bush were president? Lara Logan would have been the poster girl for “unrealistic expectations of democracy in Egypt.” Bush would have been thoroughly excoriated for his idea that freedom is “G0d’s gift to mankind,” even as Barack Obama’s water-carriers have been characterizing the events in Egypt as “one the great triumphs of the human spirit” (Thomas Friedman, NY Times), or “a massive eloquent validation of the moral force and power of non-violent civil disobedience” comparable to the “legacies of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King.” (Clarence B. Jones, Huffington Post).