Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Media Was More Concerned With Congressional Approval For War When Bush Was President

The folks at Newsbusters have put together a video montage of big media types insisting that President Bush get the authorization of Congress before going to war (something he did). “It would be crazy not to,” said one ABC correspondent.

At the time some in the Bush administration argued that a new authorization for war wasn’t really necessary as Saddam Hussein’s regime had again violated the 1991 sanctions that certified the first gulf war. I didn’t buy that argument at the time, but it’s a moot point. The Bush administration got an authorization from Congress for military force in Iraq.

But now flash forward to Obama’s push toward war in Libya, and suddenly the media isn’t nearly as concerned:

Of the three morning shows, only ABC’s Good Morning America on Tuesday highlighted anger and dismay on Capitol Hill that Barack Obama did not seek congressional approval for air strikes against Libya. Reporter Jake Tapper pointed out the “real disappointment” felt by “all the Republicans I spoke to and the liberal Democrats.”

An ABC graphic asserted, “Obama faces critics on Libya.” Yet, although NBC’s Today found time for the latest on Charlie Sheen’s escapades, the program couldn’t manage a full report on Barack Obama’s decision bomb Libya. CBS’s Early Show also failed to cover this aspect of the story.

Whether the President is a Republican of a Democrat, the Constitution is clear: Congress, not the President, says when we go to war.