Monday, February 23, 2009

Review Ordered By Obama Finds Guantanamo Treatment Of Detainees Perfectly Legal

Kind of makes Obama look like a fool, no?

Review Finds Detainees' Treatment Legal:

A Pentagon review of conditions at the Guantanamo Bay military prison has concluded that the treatment of detainees meets the requirements of the Geneva Conventions but that prisoners in the highest-security camps should be allowed more religious and social interaction, according to a government official who has read the 85-page document.

The report, which President Obama ordered, was prepared by Adm. Patrick M. Walsh, the vice chief of naval operations, and has been delivered to the White House. Obama requested the review as part of an executive order on the planned closure of the prison at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, on the southeastern tip of Cuba.

Of course, Obama has already committed to shutting down Gitmo. Nice of him to get the facts before me makes a decision, no?

But the facts on this never really mattered to Obama. Closing down Gitmo isn’t something he really cares about. It was just a campaign promise he made to get the support of a certain segment of the liberal base, and now he feels like he has to pay that base back by keeping the promise regardless of what facts and logic tells him.

Because that’s the kind of “leader” Obama is.

Comments by Rob @ Say Anything Blog

Quote from The Washington Post by Peter Finn and Del Quentin Wilber