Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Peasants Revolt!... Obama's Secretary Sebelius & Dem Sen Cardin Confronted By Unruly Mobs at Obamacare Forums

An unruly peasant told Obama's Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius and other Obama cabinet officials: "It will be a cold day in hell before he socializes my country" at an Obamacare townhall meeting in Louisiana:

Senator Ben Cardin (D-Maryland) did not fair much better...
A rebellious peasant challenged Cardin to explain why it was OK for the government to force an individual to have health insurance if they chose not to do so.

Freedom's Lighthouse has video.

Here is video of Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin being challenged on Obama's Government Health Care Plan at a town hall meeting he held on the subject. A man in the audience challenged Cardin to explain why it was OK for the government to force an individual to have health insurance if they chose not to do so. In his case, he said he needed to use that money elsewhere. The man asked why he should be made to pay a $2500 a year fine for not having it.

Cardin made the ridiculous argument that if he did not have health care insurance and was injured, all the other taxpayers would wind up paying for him. It was a crazy argument because by adopting Obama's plan, Government would be assuming massive liability to provide health care coverage to far more people!

freedomslighthouse.com (Click To Watch Video)
The rogues and knaves also confronted Rep. Carnahan at his Obamacare forum yesterday.
The nerve!:

Liberal Representative Russ Carnahan (D-MO) held a health care town hall meeting in St. Louis yesterday. Several members of the Tea Party Coalition attended the event.
Carnahan tried to persuade the crowd that Obamacare was a big money saver... It's too bad for Carnahan that the audience actually knew about last week's CBO report.
They weren't buying it.
The audience snickered, jeered, laughed at and erupted several times during the forum.

This obviously wasn't the typical audience Russ Carnahan was used to speaking to.
They weren't buying into his obvious mistruths about Obama's plan to socialize the nation's health care system.
Great job, St. Louis!
